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Loess or loamy soils
Loess or loamy soils are mainly found in southern Limburg. Loess is yellow-brown to brown in colour, soft to the touch and non-sticky. Loess is deposited by the wind and has a somewhat reddish colour. The soils are generally calcareous. Because of this, these soils predominantly have a deep and open structure which is readily rootable. Loess soils have excellent moisture holding capacity and soil fertility. The main focus with these soils is on erosion prevention. Shallow tillage suits these soils because it can prevent erosion.
Bokhorst, J. (2006). Bodem onder het landschap. Roodbont uitgeverij. Zutphen. ISBN 90-75280-94-7. 136 p.
Jongmans, A.G., M.W. van den Berg, M.P.W. Sonneveld, G. Peek en R. van den Berg van Saparoea (2012). De landschappen van Nederland; geologie, bodem, landgebruik. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Koopmans, C.J., J. Bokhorst, C. ter Berg en N. van Eekeren (2012). Bodemsignalen. Praktijkgids voor een vruchtbare bodem. Roodbont Uitgeverij, Zutphen. 96 p.