Corn grain: what strategy to use to fertilise your crops?
In grain corn, fertilization is crucial. Here are three tips for implementing the right strategy! First of all, do not neglect the sowing inputs. A buried application before sowing may be relevant, provided that it does not exceed a third of the total nitrogen supply. In order to know precisely the needs of the soil, an analysis is obviously essential from sowing. If the nitrogen residue in the soil is less than 60 kg/ha, it is essential to add it during the first fertilization phase. At this time, don’t forget to also adjust the phosphorus and potassium intake, according to the needs of your plots. Then opt for post-emergence fertilization. Three to four weeks after emergence, the crops absorb this element in quantity to produce their biomass. In order to increase yields and limit the risks of leaching, which can lead to fertilizer losses and pollution, it is advisable to add nitrogen post-emergence, at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Burying fertilizer is the best recovery option. Finally, you can implement additional strategies. Zinc, boron, magnesium, manganese… Trace elements also play a crucial role in the development of grain corn, just like calcium, iron or sulfur. All of them can be integrated into the various interventions, whether they take place during sowing or post-emergence. In case of persistent deficiency, you can also rely on targeted foliar fertilizers to promote grain formation.